Relationship Between Attitude And Behaviour

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Introduction The aim of this essay is to discuss the relationship between attitude and behaviour by questioning whether a person’s attitude helps us predict their behaviour, making reference to relevant theories and research. Content Behaviour is “the observable actions of human beings and nonhuman animals” Schacter, Gilbert & Wenger 2009). Behaviour can be influenced by factors beyond attitude, such as social influences, preconceived notions about self and others, convenience and economic factors. Attitude is “an enduring positive or negative evaluation of an object or event" (Schacter, Gilbert & Wenger 2009, p.550). The use of the term attitude goes all the way back to the 1800s, when it was described as a body position. For a long time…show more content…
Theory of planned behaviour is one of the most dominant models used to analyse attitudes and behaviour. “This theory can be used to calculate the strength of the intention to act based on the beliefs of the individual,the group and the perceived control concerning the situation Attitudes are the positive or negative evaluations of a particular behaviour” (Ajzen, 1991). The concept was proposed to improve on the predictive power of the theory of reasoned action by including perceived behavioural control. According to TPB, implementers have to consider three types of beliefs that are said guide human behaviour: behavioural beliefs, normative beliefs and control…show more content…
Despite the widespread prejudice in the United States against Asians in the 1930s, Only one out of the one hundred and fifty establishments they visited, refused to serve the couple. Six months after the tour, LaPierre contacted the hotels and restaurants enquiring if they would be willing to accommodate Asian couples and ninety percent of them said they would not be willing. Showing that attitudes and behaviours do not tend to match. LaPiere's method shows American establishments claimed to dislike Asian people but still served them. Their cognitive and affective components of attitudes did not aligning with their behaviour. The findings indicate a lack of correspondence between attitudes and behaviour, but the relevance of these classic studies to the issue of attitude–behaviour consistency has been questioned. For example, The people who served the guests in LaPierre’s study may not have been the same people who said Asian couples would not be accommodated in those establishments or the fact that the Chinese couple was served because they did not fit the stereotype perpetuated amongst the majority in the US, but because that could not be seen by the people answering the enquiry about serving the

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