Creon's Downfall

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Pride is the downfall and the survival of humankind. With it, ambition leading to corruption and power thrives. However, without it, growth, progression and determination suffers. In the Greek play “Antigone”, Sophocles demonstrates the altering effects of pride on mankind. Antigone, the play's protagonist, provides a balanced sense of pride, which motivates her to perform honorable deeds, but deeds that insults Creon and his sense of pride. His belief in himself as an authority above the Gods leads to the events that causes the tragedy to Antigone and eventually to his own family. It is through the hubris of Creon and Antigone, the tragedy is able to spawn itself in the play. Sophocles uses the dramatic character of Antigone to reveal deep insights into social order: in spheres of family, society, and morality. With the love of family burning in Antigone, she insisted on burying her brother, Polyneices, even if that means breaking the law. “But I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down with him in death, I shall be as dear to him as he to me.” (1021). This piece of evidence helps the…show more content…
The lateness of his realization made him a tragic character in “Antigone”. While Creon did not directly killed his family, his foolish pride did. “Lead me away. I have been rash and foolish. I have killed my son and wife.” (1060). Creon is now accepting full responsibilities for his actions. Creon lost everything that was dear to him, he is left a pitiful wreck. “Whatever my hands have touched has come to nothing. Fate has brought all my pride to a thought of dust.” (1060). Creon has now suffered a full peripeteia, which he is acknowledging. He has no more comfort because everyone around him is gone. Creon is the representation of all humanity and his misfortunes were brought about through hubris, which eventually leads to unhappiness, demise, and or

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