Creon Tragic Hero In Antigone

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We would never have modern superheroes such as Superman and Batman if it were not for the Ancient Greeks. Our modern heroes have been influenced greatly by Aristotle's definition and ideas of what a tragic hero should be like. Some traits of a tragic hero include an imperfection or character flaw known as hamartia, a terrible and partially undeserved misfortune, and some form of discovery or gain of knowledge as a result of the misfortune. Ancient Greek playwright Sophocles illustrates the traits of a tragic hero in his play Antigone, in which a young woman Antigone defies her uncle Creon's decree that no one is to bury the traitor Polyneices. In Sophocles' Greek tragedy Antigone, Creon is the tragic hero because his hamartia of hubris and stubbornness allows him to learn a…show more content…
Creon's hamartia leads him to be too proud and stubborn to bury Polyneices and pardon Antigone and ultimately results in the death of his whole family. A tragic hero always has a hamartia that causes the hero's downfall. Creon's is hubris and stubbornness, his refusal to change the law because of his eagerness to appear as a strong and powerful leader leads to his downfall. He is too proud to go back on his word and be listen to a young woman because he feels he will appear as weak to his City. We see Creon's hamartia when his son Haimon comes to him, asking him to yield and not punish Antigone so severely for breaking an unreasonable law. Creon, however, is too stubborn to listen to his son's advice and becomes angry, saying "My voice is the one giving orders to this City!" This shows that Creon is too proud and stubborn to listen to others and change his opinions on Polyneices' and Antigone's

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