Human Law Vs Divine Law In Antigone

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Human Law vs Divine Law God versus the human race: for some people God is thought to be above all. He is known to be all powerful and all knowing. People take charge and try to gain power by limiting that of others. Human laws are weak. They are simply orders that bind and blind humankind from their sense of freedom and free will. Human laws are there to keep society in line, but in the play Antigone, Creon, the king of Thebes, creates an irrelevant law forbidding the burial of his nephew. This law contradicts with that of the law of God. Antigone expresses her belief in the divine law versus Creon’s law when she states, “I say that this crime is holy” (816). Antigone’s argument is that Human law will never compare to that of divine law because…show more content…
Under the law of God, no one human being is greater than another. Humans are not automatically given the justification to have command over other humans. Throughout history, people have classified other people based on their social level, but that goes against the entire “God created every man equal” thing. From past records it shows that people’s social class was determined by the amount of money they have, So those of a lower class take orders from the wealthy. Being wealthy does not at all qualify a person to be a ruler. It does not mean they will make good decisions based on what’s best for their people, and it does not mean they are one to listen to and look towards. Divine law on the other hand is right and just. It is always in the best interest for those overall and given by the one ultimate ruler. No matter what law the state gives, it should never oppose that of the law of God, because in the end, humans are not to fear, but God Himself, and no human is equal to power with that of…show more content…
Because he was a new king, Creon felt that he needed to follow through with his statement that whoever buried Polyneices would be punished by death even though it meant the loss of his niece, Antigone. By doing this he would anger the people of Greece, warned by Antigone. Antigone tells Creon “I should have praise and honor for what I have done. / All these men here would praise me / Were their lips not frozen shut with fear of you” (828). Creon does not believe Antigone when she says this and he replies by saying that Antigone stands alone and no one agrees with her (828). Again, Antigone argues that the people of Greece believe Creon is wrong in punishing Antigone when she exclaims “ No they are with me. But they keep their tongues in leash” (828). Despite Antigone’s attempt to convince Creon this his law is no match for that of the law of the gods and that his law in angering people, Creon fails to see her point and remains loyal to his

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