Factors That Influence Decision Making

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There are many factors that influence our decisions. Influence by Brand:-in today’s world Through the brand names consumer perceived the quality of the quality of the product and consumer has more knowledge about the brands. In Decision Making Process Brand Play a Vital role. In 2003 Cravens And Piercy emphasis that Companies Identifies the conditions under which consumer make their decisions. In 2003,Mohd. Alamgir, Mohd. Shamsuddoha was conducted a study on car buyers in which they find out the impact of brand name on the decision making. They found that in case of car the consumers are highly preferred well known branded car rather than the unknown brands because consumer has less knowledge about the unknown branded cars and they do not want…show more content…
In Addition Prior belief also influence the external pre search that was given by Urbany in 1986.In 1987 Alba & Hutchinson given one more factor that expertise. In 1989 Maclnnis & Joworski Coducted in which they found that knowledge about product & brand effected on the amount of external search of consumer. In 1996 Schmidt and Spreng emphasis that consumer owns knowledge and external information are two important constructs. In 1994 Nonaka proposed two different types of knowledge that is Tacit & Explicit Knowledge. Tacit form is subjective in nature and explicit form is objective in nature. In the Objective Knowledge consumer has accurate information about the product and it is stored in the mind of consumer for long time. Subjective knowledge is all about the perception of consumer knowledge about the product. Explicit knowledge easily clubbed with the external information and it is very useful in decision making process. When clubbed Explicit knowledge and external information then Customer easily take the decisions and take the accurate…show more content…
They also findout that Consumer knowledge also positively effect external information search. Objective knowledge & Subjective knowledge always increase the search and Direct experience always decrease the search. Objective knowledge consumer has high ability to process the information regarding the product and Subjective knowledge consumer has more confidence while decision making. Direct experience reduce the size of evoke set. Consumer know the all benifits of the product in which He/She has direct experience and next he/she search the very less information. In 2003 Hodkinson & kiel emphasis that Internet now play vital role in the search of information and it is a different shopping environment for the consumer and with the smart phone technology consumer are more reliable in searching the information through the smart phone app. Through the smart phone app consumer get more information easily and now social sites are more helpful in sharing the information with the other people and through the social network consumer get more information about the
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