Analysis Of Martin Luther King's Letter From Birmingham Jail

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It is said in the Catholic tradition that all humans are created in the image and likeness of God. By all being made in the imagine and likeness of God, each person is equal to one another and their human dignity should be respected as such. Although the precedent was set for humans long ago, society still found a way for people to be degraded enslaved and stripped of basic liberties. How could one ignore the equality of human dignity knowing that we were all made the same? Even if one chose not to believe in religion there are proof of the universal statement that all humans are equal in secular affairs such as the Constitution of the United States of America. Ignorance of the fact that everyone’s human dignity should be respected caused…show more content…
Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the people who defended the rights of his people and expressed his views in his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” These views corelate to the CIT Claim that the dignity of every human being is inviolable and the commitment to justice for the common good is necessary. Martin Luther King Jr was a southern Baptist priest who had a vision that one day blacks and whites would one day be equal. He felt that blacks could no longer have their human dignity valued as lesser to those who are right and that for the world to be a better place all must be equal. In King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” he decided to do a peaceful, non-violent protest in Birmingham Alabama. At the time, Birmingham was one of the most racist areas in the south and was very dangerous for blacks to be there. MLK realized that the only way to get things changes was to make a scene and spread the word of the unjust actions that were going on in the United States. Remaining peaceful and resisting the urge to fight back, the protest revealed the abuse and mistreatment of the black community. Not only did the non-violent aspect do that, but it also showed Martin Luther King’s moral code and how it relates to the CIT claim. By the protestors refusing to
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