Cadbury Company Case Study

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Ethics and employment policies It is well known that good ethics and good business goes together. Ethics are the moral principles that governs a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. Paying attention to business ethics is an important part of any business owner or manager's job. The human resources function deals with variety of ethical challanges; being the depatment it deals directly with people that are employed in a company. If your firm is behaving unethicaly than your firm can be damaged by either a company's reputation or financial sustainability, or both. It is crucial to understand the importance of ethics. Many companies are taking ethics seriously and they are not willing to have problems with their companies. The Cadbury is a British multinational confectionary company owned by a Mondelez International. It is the second largest confectionary brand in the world after the Wrigley's. It operates in more than 50 counries. Below I'm going to write about how the Cadbury is behaving ethicaly.…show more content…
They encaurages applications from worldwide. They try to have greater diversity in the workplace, because it encourages different ways of looking at the problems and helps the company solve their problems more efficiently. Greater diversity also means greater creativity. To achieve such diversity, the company provides equal opportunities for its recruits regardless of gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, race or religion. This is important because there is no discrimination involved. Other thing important is that they Advertise vacancies: bacause they are advertising vacancies worldwide via company's websites and internet the employees has an opportunity to switch from one part of the organization to another. This helps employees to see the advertisement and have a chance to switch to other part of

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