Conflict In The Martian

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The Martian is a fascinating, fun, and crazy roller coaster that many will enjoy. Mark Watney, the main character of The Martian, is stuck on Mars and trying to survive on little food and water, not long enough to last him until the next spaceship that comes to Mars is scheduled. The main conflict of The Martian is Mark Watney getting stuck on Mars while his crew mates and the rest of Earth think he’s dead. That is called dramatic irony and there is a lot of it this book. In The Martian, Mark is fighting against Mars to survive. Man vs. Nature is an important element in this novel. Overcoming the odds is another big part in The Martian, as surviving Mars with limited supplies is a big feat. Andy Weir, receiver of the John W. Campbell Award…show more content…
Where did Andy’s journey begin? Andy Weir was born June 16, 1972 and was first hired as a programmer for a national laboratory at age fifteen(“Andy Weir.”). Weir wasn’t always a big author. “Weir was a successful computer programmer before becoming a writer. He wrote code for the hugely popular 1995 game Warcraft II, and more recently worked for Mobile­Iron, a company based in Mountain View”(Garrett).It was his love of problem-solving that changed his life. Just for fun, he began to work out the logistics of a manned mission to Mars. He then started to research what a human would need to survive on the red planet which lead to the book we all love. The Martian (Garrett). Imagination is what changed Andy’s life, which is pretty…show more content…
Mark Watney learns a lot and ends up going from the lowest ranked crew members to one of the highest. The main conflict of The Martian seems to always come back even though it is only explained at the beginning. Also NASA always seems to be struggling while Mark is in his own little world… literally. The cause and effect aspect of the book really shows. All the situations Mark is put in is because of cause and effect. Man vs. Nature is the biggest element, and when people read this book they usually think Man gets beaten up badly but comes back strong to keep fighting. That’s why this book is so cool. Mark always comes back and keeps fighting to try to survive with limited
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