Apocalypse Then: Benefits The Bomb In Fifties Science Fiction Films

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When we think of science fiction films, we have imagination of mysterious planet, the alien’s invasion or robots gaining power over humans. But, in the 1950s, the films that employed the idea of apocalypse were common. In “Apocalypse Then: Benefits of the Bomb in Fifties Science Fiction Films”, an article by Robert Torry, the writer discusses benefits of apocalyptic possibilities in those films. I totally agree with the writer’s argument about the beneficial outcome of the 1950s apocalyptic science fiction films, because he successfully points out precise historical moments that reflected on the films, suggests religion as a common theme in each film and chooses appropriate examples to show his argument works different kinds of apocalyptic…show more content…
He analyzes and discusses historic facts and religious implication of each film. According to him, cold war and America and the Soviet’s hydrogen bomb tests were main theme for each films and the idea of the salvation was common feature. In “When Worlds Collide”, Dr. Hendron, main character, discovers a runaway star Bellus approaching to the earth to destroy. Therefore Americans start building a spaceship for the salvation to a satellite planet Zyra. Klaatu is a friendly alien who visits to the earth with a warning message to humans in the second film. His message says that if atomic bomb is developed, the earth will be destroyed. In the last film, “War of the Worlds”, the Martians invade the earth and start destroying it. Scientist Forrester tries to save his lover who is hiding in the church with the others where the invaders are killed by microbes. As the author claims, the benefits are obtained by the destruction of the…show more content…
Thus, he can prove his argument is based on variety of films. “When Worlds Collide” is about constructing a spaceship to the new planet which is in the category of the extraordinary voyage. The second film is about future warnings and the aliens. Unlike these two example films, the third film is about criticism of technology. In the film, the Martians are destroyed by microbes that are immune to humans. Also, the hydrogen bombs could not destroy them. Not only are the categories of the film different, but also means of the salvations are different too. Thus, the films he chooses as examples can thoroughly support his

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