The Veldt Analysis

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Anonymous Mrs. A. Miller English 11H 7 December 2014 Composition of a Person What molds people’s souls and allows some people to grow and learn while others are held back and kept in fear? Is the determining component as simple as material objectifications or is it deeper than most people will ever really grasp? As people grow up and continue growing, many factors play into the type of person they are. Environment and relationships are some of the most influential elements and will determine how we act, what we believe, and how we express ourselves. People read and write to help express themselves and learn more about topics that interest them. Ray Bradbury is a writer known for his space infested science fiction literature and The Illustrated…show more content…
Short stories found in both Ray Bradbury’s Illustrated Man and Kurt Vonnegut’s Welcome to the Monkey House described how people react to foreign relationships. In each of the two books, one story conveys to the reader the effects of behavior habits in the absence of having a supportive and interested adult role model. In Bradbury’s “The Veldt,” a mother and father are becoming increasingly concerned with their children when a play room, that is a mirror of the children’s thoughts and imagination, reveals images reflecting a repeatedly unchanging, tense scene of an African savannah with its cruel blistering climate and ferocious lions. A psychologist comes to analysis the children’s temperamental room and deduces, “’This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents.’” (Bradbury 22). The room has becomes the children’s only source of affection. Both the children and the parents have lived in a futuristic society that has spoiled them and taken away their ability to connect with the people they should feel the most deeply toward. A story with a very similar theme is expressed in Vonnegut’s Welcome to the Monkey House, “The Kid Nobody Could Handle” is an eloquently written and touching, but hackneyed…show more content…
Discussion goes on in regards to what how to recognize sins given that this is a Martian planet and they may have more senses than humans and that can equate to more outlets to sin with, and what Martians consider virtue might be our evil. A couple of the priests journey into the mountain and find floating, glowing, blue orbs. In trying to communicate with the orbs, the priests jeopardize their lives in a rock slide and find themselves safe and unscathed in the aftermath. One of the priests believes that it was the orbs that saved them. The other priest believes it was a fluke and he cannot conclude if it was the orbs that saved them or themselves. He does not believe that he and the rest of the priest should spend their time trying to learn more about these orbs in order to save them because they do not resemble humans at all. With religion come many interpretations of what can be considered Godly and what is worth the time to save. The priests who believes the orbs are worth their time justifies wanting to pursue relations with the orbs with the fact that, “’They think. They had a choice, let us live or let us die. That proves free will!’” (Bradbury 122). Eventually the first priest convinces the second, and together they return to the village to tell the other priests about their experience and gather supplies to build a church in the mountain. When

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