Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus Analysis

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This review critically reviews the book “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” written by John Gray, Ph.D. in 2002. John Gray is an American author and relationship counselor. This book is about the relationship between women and men. The book states that most of common relationship problems between men and women are a result of psychological differences between the genders, and that each gender accepts and propagates their own society and customs, but not to those of the other. The book states that each gender can be understood in terms of different ways they respond to stress and stressful situations. This book explores how the value system of men and women are inherently different; learning how to provide support…show more content…
Women in general do not ask for support when they need it, and expect their counterpart to know without being asked. The suggestions and views expressed can go a long way in bringing about a better understanding in man-woman relationship. Though mr. gray hyas highlighted the points about differences between men and women, it is stated in APA ( 2005) “A 2005 analysis of 46 meta-analyses that were conducted during the last two decades of the 20th century underscores that men and women are basically alike in terms of personality, cognitive ability and leadership.”(APA, 2005) If one reads and understands the book and its entirety, it’s a wonderful book which makes the understanding of the opposite gender much better. However, it cannot be denied the author to a great extend depends on generalizations and stereotypes. This book can be considered to give a kaleidoscopic view of human relationship in every culture which can be applicable in every continent. In spite of the drawbacks the book makes one to think critically and definitely goes a long way to make man-woman relationship really delightfully

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