Glissant's Freedom As Marronage

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In Freedom as Marronage, the author provides the readers with six ideas for the study of freedom. The first concept he mentions in the text is “the relationships among slavery, slave agency, and freedom” (Robert 47). He tells his readers that there are so many issues regarding many other authors viewpoints about what the problems are and what needs to be terminated. The second idea takes the reader through the life of Frederick Douglass and how he was very supportive of freedom for slaves. The third point focuses on the topic I am going to discuss in my paper which is the Haitian Revolution. The Haitian Revolution was known as a “successful slave revolution” (Robert 48). The fourth contribution explains Edouard Glissant’s idea of freedom and his concepts of…show more content…
The fifth idea introduces the “argument to liberalism and neoliberalism constitutes…” (Robert 49) Robert is explaining to his readers about the social studies, economic and political views of constitutes. The six a final idea from Robert is explaining the meaning of unfreedom, which is defined as a concept that is supposed to seek attention on the contemporary thought process of freedom. Freedom as Marronage mentions the rates and differences in numbers in the area of Saint Domingue which was a French colony on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola from 1659 to 1804. The French had established themselves on the western portion of the islands of Hispaniola and Tortuga by 1659. Saint Domingue was the original name, but we all now know it as the Haitian Revolution. In the Haitian Revolution these slaves were led by a leader who fought to free his people from slave owners. This very well ties into marronage because of the Haitian Revolution was a slave riot which eliminated slavery and in the process of that all they formed The Republic of Haiti. Marronage was formed by many slaves taking flight from their plantations to create a better life themselves. Both

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