Theory Of Queer Theory

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The word “queer” can actually be used to refer several things that are not quite right or considered as against normal; however, these days, its use is often associated with homo sexual or lesbian. Nowdays, queer becomes a very hot issue to be discussed—due to the advent of many cases as well as the pros and cons related to the issue of same gender relationship. Sedgwick (as cited in Smith 1998) define Queer Theory as a study that is trying to comprehend different kinds of sexual desire and how cultures define them. In this case, we try not to focus our understanding on the relationship between people of the opposite sex, but more to the relationship between people in the same gender. So, basically, queer theory “looks at, and studies, and…show more content…
While gay/lesbian studies only focused their investigation mostly on questions related to homosexuality, Queer theory tries to embrace itself with any and all forms of sexuality that is considered as "queer", including those are so-called gender-bending as well as those which involve "queer" non-normative forms of sexuality (Harris, 2005; Callis, 2009). In its development, there are new movements emerging from the theory; one of those is Queer of Color Criticism. Queer of color analysis is “a heterogeneous enterprise made up of women of color feminism, materialist analysis, poststructuralist theory, and queer critique.” (Ferguson, as cited in Bernstein, 2012). Queer of color criticism offers an intersectional approach to theorizing identity and subjectivity (Vales-Morales & LeMaster, n.d.). This theory is a critical response to racism in, especially white people, queer theory and to heterocentrism in ethnic studies and in communities of color (Bernstein,…show more content…
Since the first time we make a category labeled "normal," we will automatically set up the opposite. Then, we put specific acts or identities which fill the “opposite” categories and link it to other forms of social practices (Klages, 2012). When people do something that one culture considered as not normal, they will liable to be punished for it: by being shamed, arrested, losing their job, etc. In the end, queer theory works to make people understand how these categorizations, of normal and not normal, are constructed, how they operate and organize, and how they put in force, in order to change or end them (Harris, 2005; Klages,
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