Comparing William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Philosophers, all around the world, who have been absorbed by the ingenious work of William Shakespeare, have recreated many of his famous publications into more modern versions. For centuries, people have been compelled by Shakespeare’s poems, plays, and novels, and despite how modernized these legendary works have become, people, yet to this day, gives Shakespeare the respect he deserves and the respect he had throughout his lifelong career as an author. One of William Shakespeare’s most famous works is the play “Romeo and Juliet.” In the original version, it tells the tragedy of how two lovers from two highly opposing families, fell deeply in love with each other, and eventually gave up their lives for one another. The more modernized, movie…show more content…
One reason why the movie is true enough to the play is because, similar to the play, it clearly demonstrates and shows the feelings of the characters throughout the entire storyline. In Shakespeare’s original play, the entire tragedy was introduced through a series of deep connections between the characters. Many would say that the feelings these characters had for one another created the satisfaction between violence, love, and sorrow, which were presented within the play. The movie remains respectful towards this factor, and develops the plot by demonstrating the profound connections between the characters, and showing exactly how they felt, as concisely mentioned in the play. For example in the play, Romeo was devastated when Mercutio was killed by Tybalt. Evidence form the play is, “And fire-eyed fury by my conduct now. Now, Tybalt, take the “villain” back again that late thou gavest me, for Mercutio’s soul is a little way above our heads, staying for thine to keep him company. Either thou or I, or both, must go with him,” (page 123, lines 129-134). This shows how furious Romeo is, and that he is determined to avenge his fallen friend, Mercutio. The movie presents a similar scene when…show more content…
Throughout the entire play, William Shakespeare unfolds a story of woe, a story which displays the affection of true love, as it becomes an abyss, fading into a mournful thought. The movie “Romeo + Julie,” is a reproduction which recreates the story in a modern setting and atmosphere, but the idea of tender love and appreciation between two lovers is kept identically the same between both the play and the modernized movie. An example which demonstrates this is when Romeo proposes to Juliet. The love affair that is shown in the dialogue between Romeo and Juliet demonstrates their true feeling of love towards one another. Evidence from the play is, “With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, that dates love attempt. Therefore any kinsmen are no stop to me,” (page 73, lines 71-74). This shows how Shakespeare uses a variety of love quotes to show how nothing will stop Romeo from getting his woman. Similarly in the movie, Romeo uses the same quotes presented in the play to show how nothing would stop him from marry the girl of his dreams. He displays his affection towards Juliet using these alluring quotes, and demonstrates his great desire for her. This shows how the movie was successfully able to demonstrate the feeling of love that Shakespeare intended
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