Henry VIII: Who's To Blame?

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Even though Henry VIII was very intelligent, and he impressed many of his world-weary ambassadors.(English History) Henry VIII death was a cause of obesity and capricious decisions, thus Henry VIII had begun to suffer from severe depression, a short temper and personality change. Likewise Henry VIII suffered from a bad leg injury during a jousting accident and he had severe recurrent ulcerations. Therefore the injury caused Henry VIII to be unable to exercise and he became obese.( Lin) In comparison, when Henry VIII had taken the throne he was a very healthy man. Henry VIII was around six foot four, thin and muscular. Henry VIII’s armour when he had first taken throne indicates a waist measurement of somewhere between 85 and 90 centimetres.…show more content…
Henry VIII had his own kitchen where cooks arranged his daily meals in private. For the first course some items that may have appeared were cheat bread and manchett, ale and beare, wine, calver, herring, pottage, orange lynd(cod), poured eels or lamprons, pike, calver salmon, whyting, haddocks, mullets, or bass, seal, carpe, trout, crabs, lobsters, custard, rascalles or flage, tarte closed , fritters and fruit. Then during the second course many foods were too served including a second pottage, sturgeons, tench (carp), perch, eels with lampreys roast, chynes of salmon broiled, crayfish, shrimp, tarte, fritter, fruit, baked apples and oranges, and eggs. (Historic Cookery) This large intake of food day after day only prepared for the Henry VIII, had elevated his weight…show more content…
His second wife, Anne had promised Henry VII a son then she gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth. Anne had countless miscarriages and was not able to provide a male heir. Henry VIII and Anne stayed together for less than three years. Henry VIII had Anne executed for adultery, treason and incest, yet many considered Anne innocent. Furthermore having Anne executed for not being able to contribute a male heir, is a capricious decision which may have led to Henry VIII personality change.(History.com Staff) In regard Henry VIII may have had two rare medical conditions that could clarify both his health issues later in life and the miscarriages of two of his wives.(Sohn

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