Four Collars Of Management: The Four Fillars Of Management

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There are many characteristics and traits which define a great manager in the modern era, but around the turn of the century classical theorists believed that management was a science that had a strict form which should be applied to all working environments. While the traits that make a great manager are somewhat influenced by personal preference for a working environment, they are largely focused around the ability of the manager to perform the four pillars of management: Planning, Organising, Controlling, and Leading. This report will take a brief look at the history of management and how management theory has developed before focusing on the four pillars of management and the traits which a great manager possess in relation to these. Development…show more content…
Planning is concerned with identifying organisational goals and evaluating how they can best be achieved. Great managers include their employees in the planning stage of tasks, and take their ideas on board. Involving their employees in decision making will give them a better understanding of what must be achieved and instil a want to achieve it. When identifying organisational objectives, an effective manager will consider both the internal and external environment, and be open to new ways of looking at things. The objectives set out must be clear and unambiguous, and the manager must ensure that everyone is on the same page with the tasks to be…show more content…
Setting high, but attainable standards will lead to managers getting the best results from their staff. By constantly keeping up to date with market changes and the external environment, a great manager can seek continuous improvement. This is easier achieved if the manager has the political skills to build a power base and establish the right connections. When any deviations occur, the reasons for it should be carefully considered as well as implementing the corrections required. Once the root of the deviation has been established, measures should be put in place to prevent reoccurrence, such as staff training or redefining the original objectives. A great manager will take all necessary steps to implement feed-forward control which is a preventative control measure, as well has having the ability to deal with crisis management (Lipman,

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