Communicative Competence In Language

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lead to failure. In addition, to develop the learners’ SS, teachers have to bear in mind that the learner needs time to respond to a message in order to improve that skill. As Klancar (2006) mentioned, “...increased oral emphasis should be included in our teaching to give the students as much speaking time as possible”. And with the help of some activities given, this will make the learners more interested in that skill and try to overcome the anxiety and fear in them and to be more confident and get a huge amount of knowledge. 1.6. Listening vs. Speaking SS could not be developed unless the listening skill is developed. Students must understand what was said to them to have a successful conversation. As Doff (1998) in Tuan’s work stated,…show more content…
The difference between the knowledge of a language and our use of that language…your knowledge of your grammar and vocabulary of English, your competence as a speaker of English is prerequisite to your understanding this sentence, the exercise of this competence is made possible by fact…show more content…
26). This means that the speaker has to be communicatively competent in performance and having enough knowledge about a particular language. 1.7.1. Communicative Competence Defined Communicative competence (CC) as Catharine & Deborah (2007) stated that it deals with “knowing how to use a language correctly and appropriately to reach certain goals and to communicate competently and not using only a language to speak”. So CC is not dealing only with how grammar/lexis but how to be able to use those words in its context. According to Celce-Murcia, Dornyei & Thurrell (1995, p. 7), this CC consists of four competencies areas used in teaching a foreign language (TFL) linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse and strategic one: a) Grammatical Competence (linguistic). The knowledge of the language code (grammatical rules, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling.). In other words, it is about rules, words and how to form sentences from them. b) Sociolinguistic Competence. The mastery of the sociocultural code of language use (appropriate application of vocabulary, register, politeness and style in a given situation). In other words, the ability to use formality and appropriateness, i.e., how could a person respond to a language taking into consideration the place, topic, time, and people around them because the language used with friend is less formal than the older or more educated

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