Communication In Interlingual Translation

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The concept of translation has been defined differently by the scholars in the field. Looking at translation from the viewpoint of interpretive semiotics, Jokobson (1959) provides a tripartite classification: • intralingual translation or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language; • interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language; • intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of nonverbal signs. (Jakobson, 1959, p. 114) However, more reductively Toury (1986) classifies…show more content…
5) argues that the main obstacle to communication in interlingual translation is the fact that the target group of the translation would not understand the linguistic code in which the source text is written. However, in intralingual translation two codes are also involved; not the codes of national languages, but of different genres or target groups. Here, the difference exists not between two different codes but the codes of different discourse communities within the same language, which might not be clear on the surface. By assuming the original and modified discourses as two dialects of a source language, Farhady and Gholami (1999) have proposed the following definition for Intralingual Translation: Intralingual translation refers to an externally motivated linguistic process occasioned by a particular barrier in communication, consisting of the re-expression of units of discourse, written originally in a source dialect of a natural language, in a suitable target dialect of the source natural language, so that they become appropriate, accessible, and intelligible to a new communicative…show more content…
To put it differently, the translator is first and foremost a mediator between two parties for whom mutual communication might otherwise be problematic. He reads thoroughly to produce, [and] decodes in order to reencode. For intralingual translator, the translation is a matter of choice, but choice is always motivated: any modifications, omissions, additions and alterations may indeed be justified but only in relation to the intended meaning for the specified new readership (Schell,

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