Thurgood Marshall's Contribution To The Civil Rights Of African American Supreme Court Justice?

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Civil rights activist Thurgood Marshall revolutionized how the United States viewed the Civil rights of African American men and women. As a lawyer and prominent Supreme Court justice, he fought for Civil rights and social justice, believed that racial integration was a right for all American citizens. Early in his professional life Marshall diminished racial barriers and overcame resistance despite large opposition from colleagues and lawmakers. He then became a revolutionary who had the honor of becoming the first African American Supreme Court Justice. Marshall made history for winning the Brown vs. Board of Education case, which abolished segregation in schools, implementing diverse school interactions. Thurgood Marshall was often described as persistent, allowing him to confront…show more content…
He spent considerable time to work, the Supreme Court to end of slavery in the US. Marshall was not one to protest in the streets and create large gatherings, however, Marshall worked peacefully and behind the scenes. Achieving his accomplishments through the court systems. Marshall found that he was achieving a long-held ambition which placed him in the lead of the social revolution to end racial segregation (Williams). For this reason, his life became very important in shaping the American society today. Marshall not only made substantial contributions as a lawyer, but also as a judge. He fought for individual rights and equality. Marshall’s efforts helped to put an end to all racial segregation and discrimination against all African Americans in this country. Marshall did not only fight for equality in his fellow men and women, but also put important decisions as a Supreme Court judge regarding the environment, the right of appeal of people convicted of drug charges, failure to report for and to serve in the armed forces, and the rights of the Native Americans

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