Cleopatra Research Paper

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Cleopatra is known having affairs with prominent Roman leaders, and ruling over Alexandria, Egypt. But, what is known about her early early life, her children, and her family? Cleopatra, a descendant of Ptolemy, “became the last” ruler in the empire. ( Staff). She was unlike any Ptolemaic ruler before her. She lived from 69 B.C. to 30 B.C. She was married to one of her brothers, had affairs with both Julius Ceasar and Marc Antony, had four children, and committed suicide all in 39 years. Cleopatra, the last empress of the Ptolemaic empire, was a woman of great intelligence that captured the attention of many high profile men. Cleopatra ruled in the Ptolemaic Empire. Greek rule over Egypt “continued until Queen Cleopatra” lost…show more content…
Cleopatra was the “last in a dynasty of Macedonian rulers” that relied on intermarriage to “keep their bloodline” Greek (Knight and McConnell, Staff). Rulers in the Ptolemaic Empire tried to keep their distance from the people that they ruled over. Most Ptolemaic rulers “tended to separate [themselves] from the Egyptians” by choosing to adopt only certain “aspects of Egyptian culture (Knight and McConnell 2). And by the time Cleopatra was born “all of the other Greek dynasties has long since died out” (Knight and McConnell 1-2). Cleopatra was different than her ancestors when it came to Egyptian culture. Cleopatra “became fluent in nine languages” including Egyptian (Lassieur 79). She also “ shared some of [the Egyptians] religious beliefs” as well as Greek ones (Putnam…show more content…
When Cleopatra was married to Ptolemy XIII she murdered him “in order to make way [for her son] Caesarion (Knight and McConnell 4). Later when Cleopatra was with Antony she sent “sent orders for the execution of [her] younger sister Arsinoe” because she was a slight threat to Cleopatra’s rule over Egypt (“Timeline of the Life”). While Cleopatra was having an affair with Caesar he was murdered. Caesar was “murdered on March [of] 44 B.C.” ( Staff). The Roman’s “believed that Cleopatra had joined in on the plot against Caesar” (Knight and McConnell 4). Because of Caesar’s murder, Cleopatra became involved with Marc Antony. (Knight and McConnell 4). Marc Antony found himself in battle against Rome, which led to his death. "Octavian's forces" beat Antony and Cleopatra's forces "in the battle of Actium" ( Staff). When "Cleopatra's ships deserted battle and fled to Egypt" Antony tried to follow her ( Staff). In the middle of the battle "Antony heard a rumor that Cleopatra had committed suicide", and he killed himself ( Staff). When Cleopatra died, her dynasty died with
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