Civil Society In Africa

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Civil Society in africa emerged in the 1980s when the people saw themselves as belonging to civil society and found therein an identity to be asserted against States that had until then being denied the existence of any social reality other than its own. It was also under the banner of “sociedad(e) civil” that, some years later, South Africa movements pursued action aimed at bringing about the liberalization and later the democratization of dictatorial regimes. The same allegiance to the idea of civil society is to be seen nearly everywhere in the world whenever countries are faced with the challenge of a transition to democracy. The African phenomenon of one-party rule seems to have been affected by the same process. This allegiance to the…show more content…
In now assuming the generic title of civil society, associations are moving on from a “naïve” stage to a “self aware” stage, the acquisition of this identity going hand in hand with the development of strategic thinking and increased influence against market forces and the power of the State. The speeding up of the process of globalization and the end of the East-West conflict in 1989 seem to have given momentum to the emergence of civil society in developing countries, particularly in Africa. On the one hand, the economy is increasingly organized at the global level and many problems require solutions on a supranational scale. On the other hand, the collapse of the communist block in Eastern Europe produced a wave of democratization that spread through Africa, giving rise to the first national conferences. It can therefore be stated that the emergence of groups and organizations that identify with civil society is to be explained, in particular, by the adoption or consolidation of the market economy and political pluralism in those countries for increasingly, since that time, Western countries have made their assistance dependent on good…show more content…
The emergence in the space of a few years of the term “civil society” and the repercussions it is having internationally are not unrelated to the status and visibility of leading figures in African civil society.Even more to the point, delegations from Western countries participating in the work of joint commissions,within the framework of bilateral cooperation agreements, now increasingly include civil society organizations, in particular NGOs which, after gaining acceptance by their own governments,apply pressure to achieve reciprocity in delegations from African countries.The position of OECD in this respect illustrates this trend.Lastly, the past few years have seen

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