Flipped Classroom Analysis

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Flipped Classroom in Singapore Singapore is new to the concept of flipped classroom however NTU has recently jumped on to the flipped classroom bandwagon in the quest of shedding traditional has witnessed many efforts where the classrooms are shaking off the traditional approach towards education (Er, 2015). The concept encourage collective effort adapting to the needs of each student changes takes place in the learning habits of the students, moving away from the limitations of books and teachers (Yang, 2015). Whilst the interest of the students in the learning process will not piqued overnight, the concept is surely a far cry from the traditional approach most of us are used to. Sociological Analysis Functionalism, from the works of Emile…show more content…
This would change the role of the teachers from just an instructor, giver of knowledge, to a coach or advisor who will monitor and facilitate the discussion but not be at the centre of it. The students on the other hand takes centre stage in the discussions. This will allow for teachers to better understand the learning needs of their students on another level, identifying and at the same time coming to terms to their individual coping mechanism which varies depending on their respective backgrounds (McWhirter, 2015) consequently, accommodating to the intrinsic conflict that exists within the class. Not only will this mean a better evaluation by the teachers of the students, it also means that the student are in for a better learning from the teachers hence achieving better results (Neshyba,…show more content…
This affected the functionality of the classroom. The main aim of imparting education to all present was not achieved. Flipped classroom presents a solution. This is achieved by students seizing the opportunity in class and teachers catering to the individual learning needs of the students helping them to cope. It manages conflict by empowering each in starting a discussion and giving them a sense that no one lags

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