Christopher Columbus American Identity

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In the texts of Christopher Columbus, William Bradford, John Winthrop and Anne Bradstreet, American Identity is developed through religious, spiritual, political and national themes. According to them, New Word is the best country and people are special and lucky living in this country. The role of history in shaping up the world image of United States is very important. However, the certainties behind the fiction square measure somehow lost in an associate degree amorphous haze of nationalism and perceived national identity. Christopher Columbus, as a legend and image of the primary order in America, is a significant figure during this pantheon of the American story. His status, much the same not as most American icons, is illustrative not…show more content…
On that time, things had started changing. He believes that people have a distance with the religion and they turn their attention to wealth. “Great Awakening” was one of the most significant advocates of the moment. With this movement, Edwards mentions that people that do not have God in their life they will go to hell. People then feel afraid and ask how they can be saved in order to go in heaven. Edwards with his movement brings again the religion in the life of the people (Colonial and Early National Period in Literature,…show more content…
He had made a physical movement, he discovered many islands to one of them he gave the name, the Indians. He described that he found a wild environment, people were wild and beasts and he mentions them as the “Other” meaning that there are different from the American, and rather inferior. In addition, Bradford also mentions Indians as a wild population and barbarous. Another point of American Exceptionalism is traced in the text of Columbus and Winthrop because they present Indians as the “Others” and treat them with disdain (Delli,

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