What Does The Forest Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter

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The forest in The Scarlet Letter symbolizes evil and impurity. In the forest Pearl asks her mother to tell a story about the Devil: “How he haunts this forest, and carries a book with him, —a big, heavy book, with iron clasps; and how this ugly Black Man offers his book and an iron pen to every body that meets him here among the trees; and they are to write their names with their own blood. And then he sets his mark on their bosoms! Didst thou ever meet the Black Man, mother?” (Hawthorne 181). This reminds us that in Puritan beliefs, the Devil is thought to linger in the forest. Pearl indicates how Satan offers many people his book to sign in their own blood. This shows that numerous people who are pure in the confining laws of the town are corrupted once they enter the dark atmosphere of the forest.…show more content…
In the forest characters act differently than in the town. In the forest, Dimmesdale shows his pain and nervousness: “He looked haggard and feeble, and betrayed a nerveless despondency in his air, which had never so remarkably characterized him in his walks about the settlement, nor in any other situation where he deemed himself liable to notice.” (Hawthorne 184). While in the solitude of the forest, Dimmesdale is able to express his personal pain for his corrupt actions, compared to his strict a proper manner that he must maintain while in the town. This is pertained to the strict laws of Puritan society that punish those who commit a sin similar to his. While in the view of his fellow townspeople he is to act pure and civilized due to the rules of the town. Whereas in the atmosphere of the corrupt woods he is free to express himself in ways he could not while still in the
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