Chris Mccandless Life

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Chris McCandless, a runaway in the eyes of many people. He decided to live his life out in the wilderness, away from the chaos and lies of human beings, mainly his parents. His perception on life, unlike most of us out there, was that life is full of lying, deceitful people. And of all the things Chris valued, he believed in the power of truth the most. Chris was a very misunderstood child. Growing up in a fairly well off family, he was given many things which were not necessary to survive. He believed that material possessions were nothing other than that, material with no real value in the grand scheme of life. Money, just paper, a car, just a hunk of metal used to get you from one place to another. He believed the only thing you need to survive was you, and nature. Of course he had some exceptions, he bought a gun, he had a bag of rice etc. Although Chris’s primary goal was to get away from society and plunge into the wilderness, as soon as he found a bus, he set up camp there. It’s somewhat of a hypocritical situation. He sets off on this journey by himself to get away from everyone, but as soon finds a sign of civilization, he settles down there. It seem that in many situations, chris can be quite hypocritical. He tells everyone that he is so set in his ways, but he is constantly going against how own beliefs in very subtle ways.…show more content…
Actually, I think that I have a lot in common with him. I’m sure most people look at his story and say he was just running away from his problems, that he couldn’t handle the pressure. That is the exact opposite of what I think. He wasn’t running from his problems, he was inventing a new life for himself, one that made him happier than his current life. I would say most people don’t understand why he decided to go on this journey. If you had a chance to be happier, would you not take it? This expedition gave him the happiness that he had wanted for such a long
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