Into The Wild Analysis

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What images does the phrase “making your dreams come true” conjure up? Some may associate the phrase with wealth, and being famous. Others might envision making a varsity team, being an astronaut or even being a hobo. For most, the view of dreams entails happiness. It elicits thoughts about living a perfect lifestyle. Going further, dreams imply what the individual yearns for, but society tends to shut down the “impossible” or “idiotic” ones, and pushes for them to accept the identity that others will give them. In fact, because of this, most tend to join the opiate of the masses, thereby leading them into doing what is demanded from society which is living a “normal” lifestyle. Jon Krakaeur writes a compelling non-fiction story of a man in the name of Chris McCandless achieving his dreams while going against society, in Into the Wild. To bring about their dreams, one must follow a rigorous set of ideals.…show more content…
After forming a close relationship with Ronald Franz, Chris declines a generous offer of becoming Franz’s adopted grandson, in order to pursue his dreams. Becoming antisocial, Chris seems to dodge every form of an intimate relationship, proving that he could achieve total independence. In addition, the issue with his family could have made Chris restless with the strife that he felt going on. In Krakaeur’s words, “…he did not confront his parents with what he knew, then or ever. He chose instead to make a secret of his dark knowledge and express his rage obliquely, in silence and sullen withdrawal”(123). It could have occurred to McCandless that in order to keep a rigorous set of ideals he needs to distance himself from society to be free from interaction with others. This way he could become a purer, independent form of himself, and he shows that through his lifestyle,

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