Chinese Culture Case Study

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The Chinese culture is a culture with a Confucius way of thinking. This way of thinking resonates in the way they conduct business and live their everyday lives. They take a collective approach when doing business. Furthermore, cultivating trust and long-term relationships in their business practices. They look out for the interest of others’ as if they were family. They build connections with authorities, suppliers, customers, and associates (Ooi, 2007). The Chinese value respect, friendship, saving face, group goals, and long-term objectives more than short-term objectives (Khairulla & Khairulla, 2013). The cultural values of the Chinese are harmony, humility, and cooperativeness (Khairulla & Khairulla, 2013). “The turnover rate in China…show more content…
The Chinese culture focuses on restraint and moderation. Furthermore, they desire knowledge and strive to excel in what they do. Men do not touch the females and keep from making off-color jokes with them. Managers make decisions based on promoting group cooperation and harmony. Their decisions are made with less risk. Furthermore, managers must explain their decisions in a direct and forthcoming manner (Khairulla & Khairulla, 2013). Chinese business people rely on informal agreements and personal assessment of trustworthiness. Guanxi and mianzi are very important in understanding the Chinese business culture. This also aids in understanding Chinese managers’ behavior. Guanxi and mianzi is about social harmony, maintains correct relationships, and striving to maintain an image before others. “The rules of guanxi are that the humble cannot assail the noble, the distant cannot overrun the closer, and the individual cannot override the group” (Ardichvili, Jondle, Kowske, Cornachione, & Thakadipuram, 2012, pg.…show more content…
As you know, Henry has been working on special assignment with the TDP team for the past eight months. Now that he is about to return to your part of the organization I wanted to make sure that he gets some recognition for his significant and exceptional contributions to the project. As a junior econometrician, Henry's role in the project was pivotal to its timely and successful completion. It was Henry who worked long hours, numerous nights and weekends with his small team of researchers, first specifying, and then testing the thousands of equations that had to be run. The quality of Henry's written work was also exceptional. His regression analysis summaries were always very well written and rarely required revision. As a colleague and project team member, Henry was also outstanding. His upbeat enthusiasm for the project was infectious, and he seemed to motivate the entire project team. He was very well-liked by all team members, and in effect he became `unofficial` deputy project manager. In closing, I would like to say that I have worked with many junior economists and econometricians over the years and have never run across one as

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