Lewis Hine's Cruelty Of Child Labor

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Lewis Hine’s photo collection about cruelty of child labor enraged the public in the 1900s, as well as stirred for an answer and solutions. Though he died before seeing of an official law restricting child labor, his photos was significant towards the social movement against it by raising awareness. Hine’s pursuit against cooperate businesses like coal factories stemmed from events that shaped his life, such as his employment in his youth, his life as a photographer as well as his association and employment under the National Child Labor Committee. These socio-historical aspects of the producer influenced him in his choice to document photos of child labor; especially the one with the young boys covered in dust, and exposed the appalling truth…show more content…
As a teacher, he was acquainted with Frank Manny. Manny was the “principal of the state of the State Normal School...he immediately appointed Hine as a nature study and geography educator…Manny also asked Hine to become the school’s photographer” (Oden). It is through Manny’s employment and suggestion that Hine was introduced to photography. The article also stated that “…Hine’s primary job was to document the social and academic aspects of the school. Hine soon realized the power that photography had to reveal truth and reality…envisioned photography’s potential as an educational tool” (Oden). This event of being introduced to photography opened Hine’s world to another way to tell a story to document history. It was through this event that Hine discovered to use photography in order to expose the truth of child labor which led to many of photos depicting child labor such as the one with the breaker…show more content…
In the photos, the boys are clearly young, and there are rows of the boys and they filled the room. This photo shows the popularity in industries and factories in using children. Children in America often worked in mines and textiles (Child Labor Public Education Project), and were often exploited. It is said that children were preferred more during the Industrial Revolution because “...factory owners viewed them as more manageable, cheaper, and less likely to strike” (Child Labor Public Education Project). In other words, in the early 1900s, industries exploited the children as a workforce and gave the children little pay. Hine managed to capture the popularity of child labor through the photo by portraying a large amount of boys working instead of going to school. This was socio-historically important because the photo portrays how the industries thrived off of exploitation due to no laws or restrictions on child labor and pushes the public to consider the actions of corporate businesses on American

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