Equal Rights In The 1800's

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The struggle for equal rights for women in the United States has been ongoing since the late 1800’s. The principles of our country are based upon the Declaration of Independence stating, “all MEN are created equal.” However, the disparity between men and women in our country has been evident in many ways, most notably by not allowing women to vote until 1920. Not until the late 1800’s did women start getting organized and standing up for their rights. And it wasn’t until 1923 that the National Woman’s Party proposed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). After the 19th amendment was put into place, securing women the right to vote, people thought the ERA was the next step to bring justice under law to all citizens, including women. The ERA stated…show more content…
These laws were put into place to protect women from dangerous work situations, reducing the total availability of jobs for women, while increasing opportunities for men. If the ERA was ratified, it would give women equal rights to men, meaning they would be able to participate in the work force alongside and equal to men. It would lower the employment of men, and many people were vehemently opposed to that idea. The men did not want women to take over their jobs and ruin the progress they had already made. They saw equal rights for women as a threat to the existing power structure. The reformers opposed the amendment with outspoken opinion. Many people saw the ERA as a threat, the idea of such a change scared them, and hence caused the amendment to…show more content…
To this day millions of women (and many men) continue to fight for Women’s rights, as for example, by the number of spreading women’s marches that are happening around the country with several hundreds of thousands of women and men protesting for their rights. The continuing fight for women’s rights can also be seen in the “#metoo” movement, where women are standing up against men in positions of power and are fighting for equal rights in the work force. It has taken hundreds of years for women to get where they are today. Unfortunately, there are always new Phyllis Schalflys, sexist males, and the inevitable fear of change that still stand in the way of women and their rights. Women have gained the right to vote since 1920, there are increasingly more women in politics, and in corporate leadership roles. Women are starting to take their power in society. Women are getting closer and closer to equality, and if they stay on the path that they are on, there is no doubt they will receive equal rights. Although there is still a lot to be done, the progress that has been made over the past century has shown the grit of women and the endless capability of what they will do in the
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