Cheerleading Is A Sport

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Does cheerleading fall under the category of an activity or a sport? This question has been raised in numerous conversations since November 2, 1898, whenever cheerleading was invented (InnovateUs). A group of young men at the University of Minnesota organized a team of people to cheer for the different sports held at the school. They defined themselves as the school’s cheerleaders. Many people, including the sports authorities, have questioned whether or not cheerleading is an actual sport. In 2010, the subject was brought to a federal judge who eventually ruled that it is not a sport (Bonesteel). Cheerleading is known mainly to support a team in addition to always keep the fans on their feet. Cheerleading goes far beyond a football field or…show more content…
Cheerleading being a sport is a touchy subject to most, if not all cheerleaders. Many people ask questions such as, “If cheerleading is a sport, why is there no skill involved?” People who are on the outside of cheerleading do not often see the hard work that cheerleaders put in; all that they see is the final product. Cheerleading is not just some popularity contest to see who the best is. There are many different skills in order to be a successful cheerleader, just like any other sport. Hard work is put into cheerleading as well as all of the other sports. Cheerleaders have to make sure that they do their part right in a stunt or it will fall. They have to land just right in tumbling or they will break their leg. Just like a football team practices all week for just one game; a cheerleading team practices all month for just one performance. The goal is the same for both: to win. Although others may not see it, cheerleading is a very time consuming and difficult commitment to…show more content…
A sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or a team competes against another or others for entertainment (google definitions). If anyone has ever seen cheerleaders practice or perform, they would agree that it is a sport. The American Medical Association states that cheerleading should be a sport due to its risks. With as many stunts and tumbling in a cheerleading routine, the injuries are much like they are in football. As of 2014, Cheerleading is the number one cause of traumatic injuries for high school and college females (Voigt). According to officials, if women activities want to be considered as sports, they have to exist on a college campus along with rules. Adding cheerleading to the list of sports would give a lot of different rules and training for the athletes and coaches to follow
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