Cheerleading Accomplishments

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Benjamin Franklin once noted, “Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.” Personally, I feel that failure can sometimes be the greatest accomplishment one can achieve. The summer going into my freshmen year, I faced failure. That summer, I decided to try out for my high school’s cheerleading team. I was devastated to find out that I did not make the team but more importantly, I continued to stay positive, never doubted myself, and instead stayed strong. Even though I did not make the cheerleading team, I learned that the best way to recover from failure is to make the best out of a bad situation, and move forward. Growing up, I was greatly involved with many of the sports that my town offered. I played softball, basketball, and participated in cheerleading. Out of those three sports, cheerleading was my favorite. I started cheering in the third grade and continued to be involved for another five years. When eighth grade came, it was time to say goodbye to my favorite organization. I was going to be a freshman in high school that fall and I decided that I should continue my passion for cheerleading by trying out for the high school team. I had confidence that I…show more content…
Tryouts were held over four days, with three practices and a day of tryouts. The first day of practice was very nerve-racking. I remember tying up my hair in a slick ponytail, double-knotting my dirty white shoelaces, and heading out the door. My dad dropped me off outside of my soon-to-be high school gymnasium and I was ready for a full day of practice. Practice began and we all sat on the dusty gym floor and began stretching. It was late June, so the gym was almost ninety degrees and I was very uncomfortable. At the first practice we learned the dance, cheer, and arm motions, all which need to be perfected by the day of tryouts. The first day of practice was over and I could not have been more thrilled to go home and
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