Follow The Rabbit-Proof Fence

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Rabbit-Proof Fence The documentary based on a book “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence, portrays the life of Molly, her sister Daisy and cousin Grace. In western Australia set around the 1930s. The story tells the incredible Journey that Molly, Gracie and Daisy make to get back home in Jigalong from the re-education camps at the Moore River Settlement. Molly, Gracie and Daisy were forcibly removed from their mother and grandmother from their home. Molly was the oldest of the three and has received the most teachings from her Elders of her tribe. Her knowledge of the land and skills learned from her Elders has helped her make the long journey home. During the journey there were many obstacles and challenges they faced during the 2400 km journey…show more content…
It showed the emotional whiplash of the mothers and grandmothers of whom the children were forcibly removed. You could see in the movie at the camp that they arrived at fear, confusion and caution in the children. The children at these camps are forced to learn the ways of the white men. These re-education camps are actually camps to teach the children on how to be successful servants for white people in Australia. Somewhere along the three sisters journey they come upon a home and meet the servant Mavis. Mavis explains that she too once stayed at the Moore River camp but was too scared to run away and now is working for a white couple. It also showed that the cruel act of rape performed by her white male owners was common for Mavis as a servant for the white couple. This may not have been true for all white people but it was a common and important enough situation to be depicted in the movie. In the film A. O. Neville a.k.a. the Devil called by the Aborigines mentioned in the movie that the Aborigines needed to be protected from their selves. He also believed that he or they knew what is best for them and that the Aborigines they didn’t know what was best for them. He shows a presentation that after the third generation of half-caste children that the Aboriginal was bred out of them. The film further shows that they plan on keep taking the half-caste children away from their

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