Character Analysis Of Antigone

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Antigone – our brave, unrelenting, tragic heroine – tethered to the filial duties towards her brother, even if it means going against the authority of King Creon, her own uncle; she brings on about her death. Not only is she afraid to die but she rather, welcomes it. She feels it as her duty to give a proper burial to her brother who, according to the belief of the ancient Greeks, wouldn’t be able to cross over to the other side of life and wouldn’t be able to attain peace, if left unburied for long. This is the principal issue in the life of our heroine, which will have an impact on the lives of all those surrounding her. Ismene, who is said to be “Antigone’s foil”, is unlike her sister. She is authority-fearing and believes that…show more content…
Ismene would rather concede to the injustice brought on to her brother Polynieces than dare to go against the law of Creon. She fears her own demise and the wrath that will befall on her if she were to rebel against the authority of Creon. Although later she willingly chooses to die along with Antigone which the latter doesn’t assent to and forbids such an action. Antigone would rather have her sister undertake the deed of burying their brother along with her than having her take responsibility for a deed she has not attempted. Antigone doesn’t have fear, but instead she has a strong moral sense of right and wrong, and she is willing to rebel her way out of the injustice even if it is at the cost of her life. So what is seen is two contradictory sides of two sisters; one who chooses to act for what is right while the other chooses inaction as her best…show more content…
Creon viewed law above all things, neglecting individual rights and opposing religious beliefs. Although he was aware that forbidding the burial of Poynieces was not only morally wrong but was an inhumane act on his part. But he wanted to establish law and order and that was only what he was concerned about. His word was law and everyone must abide by it. If Antigone was recalcitrant about making sure her brother gets the proper burial he deserves, Creon was also no less, in making sure to have his order of not burying Poyneices followed, which on non-fulfilment will sentence the culprit death. And thus Antigone was made known to be the culprit who dared defied the order of Creon, and although Creon tried to conceal this fact to the outside world, for having Antigone as the mother of his heir is more beneficial than having her die as a martyr, but Antigone insists that what she had done was the right thing. This leaves Creon with no choice but to punish her for her crime by sending her to a cave with little food to die a slow death. When Tiresias intervenes, only then does Creon decide to make amends but it proves to be too late as Antigone commits suicide. Not only Antigone, but alongside Creon loses his son, Haemon and his wife, Eurydice. Thus bringing about the downfall of his

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