Antigone Character Analysis

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The actions of others may frustrate a person whether the action is right or wrong, but every action is driven by a who a person is, what they believe is right or wrong, or what they may benefit from this action. In the short story Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone goes against King Kreon’s word and buries her brother despite the possibility of being put to death. Throughout the story, Sophocles conveys moral hierarchy stages through character traits, reasoning, and moral development within the character Kreon. To begin with, King Kreon is greatly affected by the law. When Antigone goes against his orders he has to choose looking weak to his kingdom or killing his niece. However, Kreon chooses order over family without a second thought because he, “shall not befriend the enemy of this land. For the state is safety. When she is steady, then we can steer. Then we can love”(Sophocles ll…show more content…
The law is the final word to him and, “Any man who breaks laws, uses violence against them, thinks he can give orders to stronger men, gains no praise from me”(Sophocles ll 805-808). As king, Kreon must uphold the law throughout the land which he does so without the thought that not all crimes committed are equal. Antigone does go against Kreon’s word, but in Greece all enemies killed in battle were to be given a proper burial which Kreon would not permit for Antigone’s brother. In brief, Kreon wishes to put Antigone to death not because she disobeyed the law, but because she went against him. Moreover, Kreon claims, “I won’t be a leader who lies to his people. No: I will kill her”(Sophocles ll 798-799) when confronted with the fact that he will kill his niece but Antigone has not committed a crime. Kreon now must kill his niece because he can not go back on his word. Going back on his word means risking looking weak in the eyes of his beloved kingdom. Kreon now hides behind being the law to cover his

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