Challenges In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

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Challenges that are Devastating Imagine that everyone was doing hard tasks that were proved risky and dangerous, which challenges soon rose around those difficult tasks. Those tasks would be devastating and generate life decisions, such as the questions “Who would you save? Who would you save? Should you have to save a certain person? Could you run away from reality? What are the costs of these questions and what would everyone’s challenges be?” Challenges are everywhere-they are significantly the hardest element everyone must go through, which could either lift someone up higher or drown him to the bottom. Without challenges, the world would be a place with no improvements and a futureless world. A futureless world personifies an undignified…show more content…
George had always thought of leaving Lennie for his own benefit. George thought that by leaving Lennie, he would have a lot better life, as he would go on living and having a normal life. And this temptation would then go on and haunted George. And George was tempted, “God a'mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an' work, an' no trouble. No mess at all…" (1.89, Steinbeck). The quote symbolizes George’s temptation, as he wanted to leave Lennie over and over for his own benefit sake. Because of this, George’s ego was activated and he became more obsess on leaving Lennie. This was considered significant, as this was one of George challenges. It was impossible for George to leave Lennie because they both had a long friendship- they were best friends. However, George faced another challenge after saying his temptations out loud. Lennie replied, “If you don' want me I can go off in the hills an' find a cave. I can go away any time" (1.103-104, Steinbeck). The quote gave details of Lennie’s response to George’s temptations-Lennie was brave to respond and tried to make George’s wish without troubles. However, George suffered from the decisions Lennie had made. George might be able to live alone without any assistance. However, Lennie might not be able to live as he always relied on George every time. This proves a critical situation because Lennie…show more content…
Recently, Jacob found out about his powers- the power of indestructible, which was to be tested by his friends. After Jacob’s friends, whose Milo and Ophelia found out about Jacob’s big secret, they gave him an idea about saving people. Jacob found out that, “Jacob… start off thinking it’s a gift that can be used to save lives” (Moretti). This showed that Jacob was eager to save people who were in trouble. Jacob showed that he wanted to be a contributor and wanted to make the world a better place. Jacob tried his best for the world-to prevent a world without any further troubles. However, this temptation had a consequence; it was proved to be too much for Jacob to handle. Jacob described, “Wednesday was the first time I killed a guy… The problem was timing… I had already given the power to one of two people who’d gone missing on Mount Hood…” (190 Carman). Every action had its own consequences, and this was what Jacob’s power created the challenge. When Jacob tried to save the guy (as said in the quotation above), he failed. There was a reason why he failed to do so. Jacob failed to save the person because there was time management. He knew that he could only pass on one power at a time, but he ignored the consequence. Jacob knew that he was trying to be a hero, but there was a limit of becoming a hero. This symbolized Jacobs’s carelessness. With another
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