The American Dream In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Some may say that the American Dream is attainable by all people, but in reality, it’s not. People are put down because of their current situation even though they are trying very hard to get out of it. This may include their home life or financial stability. Others may have the ability to achieve greatness, but challenging obstacles can set them back. All people strive for the American Dream, but very few are successfully able to meet their goals. One of the biggest challenges for achieving the American Dream is the sad truth that various obstacles, like being judged by appearance and misconceptions, will almost always win. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Lennie was often put down because of his mental disability. He had trouble finding jobs and earning people’s trust which effected George too, since he and Lennie went hand-in-hand. One example of this was in the very beginning of the book. The two were run out of Weed, California when Lennie assaulted a woman without realizing what was happening. They had no other choice than to run away and start…show more content…
In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner was rejected from jobs because he was poor, even though getting the job could get him out of that position. Superstitions would say that poor people are poor for a reason. They may be thought of as dumb or unwilling to work. However, after watching the movie it becomes clear that Chris was very smart and had potential. Chris was also very unlucky in the sense that he was faced with challenges that he could not exactly control. This includes the scanner breaking during his demonstration and his wife leaving him alone with his son. Another truth is the saying that you cannot get a job without experience, but you cannot get experience without a job. This was a tremendous problem for Chris in the movie when no one wanted to hire
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