Why Did Britain's Industrial Revolution Happen?

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Why did Britain’s Industrial Revolution happen? There are many possible reasons why the Industrial Revolution happened. These include: New Technology, New Ideas and Political Stability, Natural Resources and Imperial Power and Economic Conditions. This essay will attempt to divine which of the above was the most important in kickstarting the Industrial Revoloution in Britain. One important cause of the Industrial Revolution was Natural Resources. The need for a more satisfactory fuel that could do a more effective job fuelled the discovery of coal and its many uses. Without the discovery of coal and all its extensive uses then people wouldn’t have created the coal powered machines which fuelled the Industrial Revolution. Coal was adopted by the brewing, metalworking, and glass industries, demonstrating its potential for…show more content…
The industrial revolution happened because the economic conditions were right to ensure that it sustained success. All these causes were critical to why the industrial revolution happened. All the causes and reasons for the success of the industrial revolution are so intertwined that it’s like when you pull on an intricate tapestry, once one string is pulled out, the rest fall through. Therefore, I conclude that New Technology, New Ideas and Political Stability, Natural Resources and Imperial Power and Economic Conditions were all equally important to fuelling the industrial revolution. However, New Technology was one of the most important factors. Without the new technology developed then we wouldn’t be anywhere close to where we are now. But I think that New Ideas was equally important because it shows the leap from religion to science, magic to clarity. New Ideas helped propel Britain forward into a brighter future of science and political

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