Causes Of Employee Disengagement

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Employee disengagement is a costly affair. Not only does it translate to billions of losses in revenue, it also accounts for significant losses in productivity. But what are the factors that contribute to employee disengagement? Before putting the blame on your recruitment firm, it’s important to understand that disengaged employees are not unskilled or incompetent employees. There are numerous causes behind disengagement and most are set off by poor management. There is a truth in the saying that good employees don’t leave their jobs, they leave their bosses. In fact, 75% of people who quit their jobs leave because of their lousy bosses (Source). Before losing your top employees because of ineffective leadership, prevent disengagement…show more content…
Unclear roles and expectations Employees tend to feel disengaged when they are unsure of what their role is and what is expected of them. To avoid this, provide clear expectations and a detailed and honest account of the job description even before hiring. It’s also good to talk about the pay and other benefits your company provides so that you will not fall short of your employee’s expectations. Put your best foot forward, but be careful not to oversell your company and create unrealistic expectations. 3. Excessive workload In a 2016 survey by Paychex, 63.12% employees reported overworking as one of the top reasons they quit their job. If you have noticed your employees working long hours but failing to meet deadlines, perhaps you’re giving them an overwhelming amount of work within an unrealistic period of time. While it is tempting to push your top employees to work harder, you must make sure that you assign realistic tasks and set reasonable deadlines to avoid burning them out. Additionally, if you are going to assign more work to an employee, provide corresponding incentives to increase…show more content…
It’s instrumental in helping your employees grow and achieve their career goals. According to an article published on the Harvard Business Review, feedback should be specific, immediate, and frequent in order to be effective. Scheduling regular one-on-one meetings for feedback giving is, again, a helpful way to let your employees know how they’re performing and how you can help them further improve their skills. 7. Poor office environment Your office environment also plays a significant role in keeping your employees engaged. Your employees spend at least 40 hours a week in the office so it’s important to create an inviting and welcoming space where they will actually want to spend time in. Mind you, creating an ideal work environment doesn’t need to be extravagant or costly. As long as your space reflects your company’s values and is conducive for productivity, collaboration, and focus, you are well on your way to designing an engaging workspace for your employees. 8. Lack of fun and

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