Short Essay About Pablo Picasso

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Pablo Ruiz was born into an artistic family on October 25, 1881 in an Andalucian city named Malaga. He later adopted his mother’s maiden name “Picasso” and became known as Pablo Picasso ( Fig 1). His father himself was an art teacher and a painter. Picasso officially began learning art when he was 11 years old and soon, at 13 years old, Picasso’s talent surpassed his father’s. He was soon enrolled into Barcelona School of Fine Art. At the age of 14 he painted portraits of his friends’ families but also of various oddities. The community in Barcelona was up to date with Paris in terms of the art. At the same age, Picasso was able to pass an exam that allowed him to get into a senior course relating to the classical arts and still-life. Examiners saw him as a Prodigy. Some…show more content…
In this period, Picasso’s painting seem to use vagabonds, drunks and prostitutes as his subjects. In 1904, it was contemplated that Picasso was influenced from the artist’s experiences of France. For around a year, Picasso painted in a style known as the Rose Period. The ‘Rose period’, only lasted from 1904 – 1906. Picasso's use of hues started to change into brighter and more vibrant colours of orange, red and pink. His subject changed from beggars and prostitutes to performers and circus figures. However, in 1906, the famous artist met Georges Braque and was deeply influenced by him, which was shown as soon as his use of colours changed and his palette became gloomy yet again. His forms became thicker and more compact in characteristic, and he began to discover his method concerning Cubism. Picasso began carving wooden sculptures in 1906. The simple form influenced him due to the technical assets of the wood. His experience in woodcarving caused changes to occur in his painting such as Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907)

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