Cause And Effect Of Cyberbullying

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As the world develops and constantly keeps changing, technology has more and more influence on every aspect of human's life. It becomes mostly ubiquitous in every single action and essentially included in one's way of living. Above all, social media, one of the most trending technology on internet in this era, which allows people to connect around the world in just a short amount of time and is further highly integrated into human society. With convenience in mind, how can this technology have great impacts on human's state of mind. Still, what are the causes of this type of bullying involving social media or what we called as "Cyberbullying". Cyberbullying happens from many reasons, as well as other type of bullying, however, this can be…show more content…
They can have sleep problems at night. They will have a less sleep time and might unintentionally wake up at night. The reason for problems is from an accumulative of anxiety and depression from the bullying. It can signal that one might have a stress problem too[1]. With this change of routine, teens are slowly affected by the change of sleeping pattern or some may not be able to eat properly at all. These are one of the major symptoms of major depressive disorder, which is serious and common medical illness. As a consequence, it negatively affects your behavior and your mind and can further lead to even the thoughts of death or…show more content…
According to the research on bystander effects by John and Bibb Latane, diffusion of responsibility cause individual to slowly act and respond toward things[5]. With more people in the incident, less people feel responsible to take action. Those who stand and watch a person being bullied without any interference oftenly face peer pressure which leads to an inaction. This can further develop to an anxiety on bullying as people who witness a bullying incident are likely to worry about themselves being the next target. People who are concerning too much on their safety and security will begin to avoid attending any social events that with the risk of being
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