Catholiccare Case Study

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Explain how the service assists parents and carers to prepare for their roles and fulfil their responsibilities - CatholicCare aims to assist parents and carers to prepare for their roles and fulfil their responsibilities by providing comprehensive, client focused services for individuals, couples, families, children and adolescents. The focus of CatholicCare is to develop, implement and evaluate programs; which enhance family functioning, prevent family breakdown and promote and advocate for the best interest of children and adolescents. The services at CatholicCare propose management strategies to enable parents and carers to effectively manage challenging family transitions by satisfying their needs and ensuring equitable access to resources.…show more content…
CatholicCare assists first-time parents by supplying a new parents program. The New Parents Program assists families in adjusting to the arrival of a new baby and fulfilling their responsibilities as parents.This is achieved by supplying information on nutrition, medicare and disciplining the dependant. CatholicCare’s New Parent Program presents home-based case work to help families adjust to the changing conditions and educate new parents about the development of children and parenting skills. It has been proven that the diverse parenting and caring services of CatholicCare have successfully increased the use of positive parenting practices, by enhancing the knowledge and skills of parents/carers through education, information and training and improving their level of wellbeing through counselling and therapy services. CatholicCare has assisted in strengthening the relationship between parent/carers and children by offering support services to ensure all aspects of wellbeing and duty of care are met. Additionally, these support services have expanded the supportive social network of parents/carers as often…show more content…
CatholicCare does not offer any form of support services for informal carers, although other services such as Counselling for Carers and a range of School Counselling services for the dependant are available. CatholicCare is committed to the prospect that the dependant’s family is the prime environment for the promotion of a dependant’s development and every effort is made to keep the family together. Nevertheless, CatholicCare understand that due to circumstances this is often impossible and carers are sometimes more suited to raising the dependant. The services at CatholicCare are informed by an approach that values human dignity and the belief that positive relationships between carers and those being cared for can lead to obtaining a greater level of wellbeing.The six aspects of wellbeing - namely, emotional, economic, cultural, physical, spiritual and social - can impact on the promotion of a dependant’s overall wellbeing. Through the organisation of CatholicCare, carers are provided with the opportunity to foster, develop and support a greater level of wellbeing for those who are being cared for. CatholicCare assists in meeting the needs of those being cared for by offering a range of services that support the personal wellbeing of the child. The services of CatholicCare offer information regarding local

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