Carbon Footprint Model

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3.3 Models 3.3.1 Carbon footprint model This study bases on the interpretations of ISO/TS 14067 and uses the activity data multiplied by the GHG emission or removal factors to calculate carbon footprint of the cultivated white shrimp, in which the formula can be expressed in equation (1): (1) Therefore, the carbon footprint model we refer to M.-C. Yen (2014) and add up the emissions in every stage of the life cycle. Take the whole life cycle as an example, the carbon footprint of the cultivated white shrimp covers the stages from the cradle to the grave. In which, these emissions are the consumption of raw materials, the transportation of the raw materials, the utility in the aquaculture stage, the emissions in the eating stage and the disposals.…show more content…
After we get the total emissions of the cultivated white shrimp , we can divide it by the total production to be the emissions per functional unit, as expressed in the equation (3) and the unit is kgCO2e/Kg: (3) Similarly, if we want to calculate the carbon footprint in the scenario 1, we only need to take the emissions in the raw material stage and the aquaculture stage. Besides, the emissions coefficient we first consider the data released by the Environmental Agency of Taiwan, and the data in the Sima pro 8.0 come the next. 3.3.2 Water footprint model This article adopts the interpretations of the ISO 14046 and applies the life cycle assessment as the framework. Nevertheless, the ISO 14046 does not mention the quantifying method, so this study applies the stepwise accumulation approach proposed by the WFN to evaluate the water footprint. Take the scenario 1 as an example, the water footprint of the cultivated white shrimp includes the stages from the cradle to the farm-gate. In addition, the blue water usage in the raw material stage means the activity data multiplied by the water usage coefficient, which is depicted in the equation (4): (4) where is the water consumption…show more content…
In the first stage, the raw materials can be classified as aqua-feed and other materials, in which the water consumption for the aqua-feed is 67,906.36 m3 (63.81%); while the water consumption for other materials is 1,658.89 m3 (1.56%). For the aquaculture stage, the water consumption contains the indirect consumption of the electricity and the direct consumption of the irrigation water and the underground water, in which the electricity uses 14,345.76 m3 (13.48%) and the direct consumption is 22,500.88 m3 (21.15%). And the fossil fuel usage such as the transportation of raw materials and the gasoline for weeders consume no water. In short, the total water consumption for these two stages is 106,411.89 m3. To sum up, the first three consumption volume listed from the largest are the aqua-feed in the raw material stage, followed by the aquaculture water and the electricity. If we divide the total water consumption by 5,100 kilograms we harvest, we find the water footprint per kilogram is 2.09 m3. In which, the blue water footprint is 0.26 m3 and the gray water footprint is 1.83 m3. Scenario
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