Wars In Yugoslavia Case Study

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Introduction: Wars in Yugoslavia, also known as third Balkan wars, took place from 1991 till 2001 which consisted of its ethnic cleansing and resulted in emergence of new countries. The name Balkan is derived itself from Balkan mountain which is situated in Southeast Europe. In 1918, after World War I, formation of Yugoslavia (Glenny, 1992) took place which consisted of six republican countries and these were Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. After the completion of Balkan wars the new structure changed to seven countries including possible as the new state which was an independent state before. It was Yugoslavian President Josip Broz Tito who maintain the unity of the provinces through a very strong authoritarian management that suppressed any uprising by different groups. He also declared nonalignment towards USSR and USA. He fought against the ethnic division and united the whole province which was intact till his death in 1980, after his death it is started to unravel and resulted in the breakout of a civil war. Tito was successful in keeping the country united and despite of the differences, he maintained a political stability. In the light of International relation theory, Balkan war help us to understand why war happens and what are the processes that lead into…show more content…
This world has claimed more than hundred thousand lives and people became homeless in the guise of ethnic cleansing. The consequences of the war can be distributed in three parts; casualties, internally displaced refugees and material damage. With the wall in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, millions of people became the refugee and their home. It is because of these wars that Balkan became hey synonym for bigotry and backwardness since the war make us backward with the loss of man and

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