The World Is Too Much With Us Analysis

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With the world evolving at an astounding rate, William Wordsworth uses symbolism in his poem, "The World is too much with us” to explains his sense of belief and deep feelings he had toward nature. Throughout the poem, Wordsworth angrily complains that the world is too overwhelming for people to appreciate it. Everyone is so concerned with acquiring money that they no longer stop and admire nature. Wordsworth even expresses disgust and frustration on how people are so concerned with accumulating things that they don’t see anything in nature to own. According to Wordsworth, we've sold our souls. William Wordsworth uses imagery, symbolism, and characterization to support his points and capture his reader's attention. The imagery used in, "The World is…show more content…
All around Wordsworth sees people who are infatuated with money and with materialistic objects. Mankind is losing their powers of divinity and can no longer identify with nature. “Little we see in Nature that is ours;” Line 3. (Wordsworth 1807). While mankind spends their time obtaining worldly possessions, the true beauty of the world can’t be owned. Wordsworth states that very few things that mankind see in nature belong to them. Wordsworth believes that everyone should enjoy nature, though it is not ours to own, instead, mankind is filled with greed and the need to acquire wealth and materialistic possessions rather than enjoying nature. “For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not. — Great God! I’d rather be a Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;” Line 9-10. (Wordsworth 1807). Here Wordsworth states mankind is so caught up in obtaining wealth that it no longer bothers them that they are out of touch with nature but he would rather be a poor pagan than be so preoccupied with materialistic possessions. Wordsworth pleads with God and even exclaims that he would rather be a poor pagan than to be out of touch with
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