Bronze Age Impact On Society

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The Bronze age occurred in the years of 3300 to 1200 B.C.E. and was particularly recognized by technological advancements made in weaponry and tools. This was made possible through the invention of bronze (a substance made of copper mixed with 10% tin) The bronze age is devided into three main sections The Early, The Middle, and The Late Bronze age In the early bronze age (staring at 3300 and ending at 2000 B.C.E.) a plethora of new ideas where being created. The ideas ranged from the spoke wheel to the metal tools . These grat ideas sparked of the bronze age as it made it possible to move into a new era of human kind and made it possible for humanity to flourish. In the approximate year of 2400 B.C.E the early versions of the potters wheel…show more content…
The potters wheel Had a great social impact on society as it made it possible to further carve and perfect the artwork that could be put on the pottery and could let more people live more enjoyable lives as they now had a better way of transporting water food and other supplies. Economically the potters wheel made it possible to transport goods more effectively so the markets flourished. And upon that it made pottery more easaly replaced and lowed the cost in general. Pottery could now be used by the government to help troops transport supplies while out of the area where they could get more. This allowed them to go further out of their settlements and allowed them to concur more land. Pottery could now be used by the government to help troops transport supplies while out of the area where they could get more. This allowed them to go further out of their settlements and allowed them to concur more…show more content…
This also mad it possible for ideas to travel faster across the lands and transport older people and move entire families. Economically it let merchants and craftsmen transport their goods further and also expander their available resources as they could go further to gather them. Upon that they could also get more at once which let them increase their profit Politically the Livestock drawn carriages chariots were extremely useful to the army’s of the time as it let them transport troops and supplies faster and more effectively giving them the edge. Over opposing armies that have not gained these means of transport. The Late Bronze age occurred in the years of 1600-1200 B.C.E. Created the Great inventions of Currency to the Beginning of the Alphabet and advanced Metal Tools such as the Knives and Axes. Standard Currency created a whole new era in the ideas of marketing and economics. Previously people could only buy stuff with gold or barter for other stuff by trading in some of their own. Now with the idea of currency people could use that as means of acquiring instead of luging around materials to

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