Brazil Health Care System

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In Brazil, the people view health care as a very important system to have. People in Brazil either use the government health care plan or private insurance. All parts of the government have a part in forming Brazil’s healthcare. The federal, state and municipal government encourage the poor to use and benefit from the health system through initiatives such as Family Health Programme. This program helps to provide a full range of quality health care to families in their homes, at clinics and hospitals ("Flawed but fair: Brazil’s health system reaches out to the poor," n.d.). The government uses comprehensive care, which focuses on the prevention of diseases. An example of this would be providing free vaccinations. These vaccinations would prevent hepatitis, yellow fever, pneumonia, influenza and HPV. The ministry of health helped influenced the food industry to reduce salt and sodium in certain products. These…show more content…
Brazilians do not go to a private insurance unless it is available to them. Twenty-six percent of the population is covered by private insurance while the rest is covered by the government system. In the United States, private and employee insurance is fifty-three percent of the population while thirty percent is government financed and seventeen percent are not insured. Another difference is Brazil’s government insurance do not have requirements in order to receive healthcare. In the United States, government based health programs such as Medicare and Medicaid are based on age, disability or poverty (Nascimento, 2013). One similarity between the two are the long waiting times and shortage of doctors. Another similarity is that they both have different programs to educate the public on how to improve their lifestyle. Even though Brazil and the United States have different ways of their health care system, they both have their similarities and

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