Book Of Jonah

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In the book of Jonah, it tells a story about a disobedient man named Jonah, living in a city called Nineveh. God called him to do an order and he did not obey Him. Since Jonah did not obey God’s orders, God punished him by throwing him in the belly of huge fish. Jonah was stuck in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights, when he then threw on the beach. After this traumatizing experience, Jonah realized he was bound to obey God anyway. This prompted Jonah to go to Tarshish after all. Along the way, Jonah learned a lot of lessons, which in turn can be things we should take note of. The first lesson Jonah learned was to not put idols before God. In the first chapter of Jonah, Jonah gets on the boat with the men. After waking up during the storm, the men and Jonah cast lots. The crew on the ship then realize that Jonah’s God was the creator of the storm. They confront Jonah and tell him to pray to…show more content…
In Jonah 1:6 it says “The captain came to him and said, ‘What’s this?’ Sleeping! Get up! Pray to your God! Maybe your God will see we’re in trouble and rescue us.” In this passage God heard their prayer and rescued them, but punished Jonah by having a huge fish swallow him, because he did not listen to God’s commandment. Just like in Daniel, when Daniel was in the loins den, God rescued him, like he rescued the men in the storm. In real life, God rescued us from our sins by sending his only son to die on the cross for us, and if we pray and ask God for guidance He will provide. The last lesson that Jonah learned was, in the end we need to realize our mistakes and sins then confess them to God. Jonah 1:12 says “Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” he replied, “and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.” This is reassurance that if we realize our mistakes and confess the to God he will forgive us and guide us into the clear and out of the

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