Beowulf Vs Achilles Research Paper

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An epic hero is someone who can undertake long, difficult journeys and show great courage. Beowulf was an Anglo-Saxon while Achilles was a Greek. They were both looked up to for their accomplishments. Although Beowulf and Achilles were both epic heroes, they came from different cultural backgrounds, which made them fight for different reasons. Beowulf and Achilles were considered to be epic heroes because they both fought in battles. One big fight that Beowulf was apart of was against Grendel. In Beowulf the author says, “Beowulf, A prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel” (351-352). Beowulf defeats an enemy of his, Grendel. In The Iliad, Achilles battles with Hector. “Achilles poised in his right hand, with deadly aim at Hector” (158-159).…show more content…
In the epic poem Beowulf, the author states “All of Beowulf’s band had jumped from their beds, ancestral swords raised and ready” (316-319). This shows that Beowulf takes his men to battle with him. He does this because that is what his culture has taught him to do. Achilles doesn’t do this because his culture has taught him to fight on his own. Beowulf fought for the glory while Achilles fought to defend his friends. In The Iliad, Achilles states “ Hector, I’ll have no talk of pacts with you, forever unforgiven as you are” (87-88). Achilles is going into battle with Hector because Hector killed Achilles best friend. Achilles is getting revenge. In Beowulf, the author states “But to table, Beowulf, a banquet in your honor” (223). Beowulf’s tribe is giving him glory for winning a battle, exactly what Beowulf wanted. Even though Beowulf and Achilles fought for different reasons, they were both considered epic heroes. Beowulf and Achilles came from different cultural backgrounds, which made them fight for different reasons. They were mighty warriors that fought in extraordinary battle. A lot of people in their tribes looked up to them. Beowulf and Achilles have a lot in common but they also have many things different from each

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