Beowulf-Heroism And Image

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I really think that there are two main themes of Beowulf - heroism and image. He is all about trying being the hero, and he wants to be the honorable king everyone looks up to. Beowulf shows amazing courage and strength all throughout the book. He also shows wisdom and unbelievable bravery in many of his experiences. Half of the book tells about how Beowulf is such a warrior, and the other half tells about how he is such a good ruler and how his image is viewed. Beowulf's heroic acts are what make him who he is. They are what make people look up to him, and they are what gives him the bravery to be such a hero. He has to do a lot of courageous thing in order to give him a good reputation. All great kings have reputations, good or bad. Most kings try to out live or out do the past kings to give them a better reputation just as Beowulf does with his father. His father had a good reputation, but Beowulf wants a better one. While he tries to outdo his father, he creates a reputation of his own.…show more content…
There comes a point in time when every king has to step up and show the people why he is king, and that he is worthy. He does this by fighting these monsters. Beowulf fights Grendel to pay back his father’s death. When Beowulf fights the dragon, it shows his strength, and how he is not power
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