Bill Clinton Visionary Leadership

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Bill J. Clinton Who would have ever thought that we as a nation would ever have a President who was a visionary leader, yet an unethical leader? We all did, after the fact! Bill Clinton was a great visionary leader as the Governor of Arkansas, yet was an unethical leader as the President of the United States of America. His visionary success positively impacted the state of Arkansas as the Governor by vastly improving the education system (Clinton, 2015) and tarnished The Office of The President with his dishonesty with his relationship with Monica Lewinsky (President, 2008). I have something in common will Bill Clinton which is being a visionary leader. However, we surely don’t have similarities when it comes to being an unethical leader,…show more content…
Visionary Leader Bill Clinton is an educated individual, attending several public and private schools in his youth then moving on to adulthood where he attended Georgetown and Oxford University before running for Governor of Arkansas (Clinton, 2015). In 1978, Bill Clinton ran for Governor of Arkansas which had a population of over 2 million people. He went on to be the victor and secured his place in history as the youngest governor in the United States (Clinton, 2015). Governor Clinton had many visions, but of main importance to him was to improve the public education system. Unfortunately, he was unable to see his vision through because he lost the following election two years later. Despite this loss, Governor Clinton displayed resiliency and intellectual perseverance by not giving up because of frustration (Thomas, 2014) which ultimately led to his reelection as the Governor of Arkansas in 1982. During this…show more content…
This was attributed to his high lottery number of 311 and due to his effort to avoid the draft (Clinton’s, 1997). Meanwhile he was receiving education deferments while at Georgetown and Oxford University (Clinton’s, 1997). During his time in college, Bill Clinton was leading demonstrations in opposition of the Vietnam War (Clinton’s, 1997). When congress passed a bill no longer accepting education deferment for the draft process, he then applied and enrolled in the Army Reserve Training Officer Corps (ROTC) to avoid military service (Clinton’s, 1997), and withdrew his application later in December of 1969 because the draft ended.(Clinton’s, 1997). It was later that Bill Clinton wrote a thank you letter to the Director of the Army ROTC, thanking him for saving him from the draft, not knowing that Clinton was opposed to the war. His actions of avoiding the draft, is one of a coward. Clinton opposed to the war, failed to consider the ideas, beliefs, and views on something he considered dangerous. Had Clinton demonstrated courage instead of avoidance to the draft, he would have displayed intellectual courage. Critical Thinking is defined as having a consciousness of the need to face and fairly address ideas, beliefs or viewpoints toward which we have strong negative emotions and to which we have not given a serious hearing (Thomas, 2014). Another instance of Bill Clinton being an unethical leader

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